Docker Commands

Docker Commands

Basic docker commands required for DevOps


4 min read

Hello everyone I am Goutham here I would like to share basic mostly used docker commands and how to run react application in a container. As Iam beginner to docker I have written what I understood from various sources if you feel any thing wrong please let me know .

Basic Commands

1. docker pull

Used to to pull any non-existing image in local machine from docker registry.

Usage : docker pull node ( docker pull Image_Name)

2.docker run

Used to run the specified image

Usage : docker run node (docker run Image_Name)

docker run -d node runs image in detached mode which means terminal allows to type other command

3. docker ps

Used to display all running containers

Usage : docker ps

docker ps -a used to display all running as well as stopped containers

4. docker start

Used to start the terminated container

Usage: docker start container_id or container name

5. docker stop

Used to stop the running containers

Usage: docker stop container_id or container name

6. docker rm

Used to remove the container

Usage : docker rm container_id or container_name

docker rm -f container_id or container_name used to remove running container

To remove multiple containers use docker rm CId1,Cid2,Cid3 .... .

To display only running, stopped containers we use docker ps -a right but if we want only container Ids of running and stopped containers we use docker ps -aq

By using this we can remove multiple containers :

docker rm $( docker ps -aq )

7. docker exec

Used to run terminal inside a container

Usage: docker exec -it GouthamApp bash (docker exec -it container_name shell_name)

Docker Volumes

Docker volumes are basically used to share files/folders among containers or with host and containers.

Share folders from host to container

Usage : docker run -v hostfolderlocation:/index.html Image_Name

docker run -v --name website d:/clones/linkedin-clone:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

Share folders among containers

Usage : docker run --name webcopy --volumes-from website nginx

webcopy is a newly created container and website is already existing container and folders from webite container will be copied to webcopy container.

--name is used to rename container instead of some random names.

Port forwading

Application in a container run in a isolated area not knowing anything about out side world but as a developer we need to know how the app works in a container from outside.So App runs in some port in a container so we need to map host port to container port.

By this we can examine how app works in a container from host.

Usage: docker run --name GouthamApp -d -p 19531:3000 node

Here we are mapping container's 3000 port to host 19531 port and naming container as GouthamApp.


Images are just artifacts for any app which contains pretty much everything to run app such as OS,Software, Appcode etc..

1.docker images

Used to list all existing images

Usage : docker images

We can build our own Images aswell through command:

docker build --tag webapp :latest .

'.' dot there means Docker file location images are built using docker file which contains instructions to generate docker image.

We build any image by taking some other image as base image ,mostly alpine a linux distro is used because of its lite weight.

Running React App in docker

We are actually interested in how our app works no matter what environment one has we need node to run react and some dependencies every thing that our app requires is present in docker file which in turn used in generating image.

We only run image not our react app by the commands inside the docker file it automatically runs react app . This is how docker file looks like.


In deployment phase they pull image and run that

If we run the image that our app by default runs in port 3000 then we have to map containers 3000 port to host 3000 port.

Then we can view our app in host ๐Ÿ˜Ž

In docker file

Meaning of 1st line is base image as I have already said we don't build image from scratch node:alpine means base image alpine is used to reduce image size.

Meaning of 2nd line is we want all our react app folders to be in app folder inside container

3rd line : Copy the package.json file

4th line : Installing all dependencies that we have used in our app

5th line :Copying our application code to app folder inside container

6th line : Start our app inside container.

These steps create layers for image.

That's it we have now deployed our app with docker


We don't want some folders to be pushed to container like node_modules as they will be installed while running image and we dont want dockerfile as it is of no use in container.So add them in .dockerignore file.

Thanks for reading my blog hope this helps ...๐Ÿ˜Ž
