Git Commands

Git Commands

Basic Git Commands for Open Source Contributions

Recently I started contributing to open source so learned some of the most important basic required commands and I may miss many commands but I would like to share what are the mostly used ones.

Before starting we have to initialize git in the folder where we want git to track our progress by git init

Git for open source

1. Fork the repo to our git hub profile

2. Cloning some one else repo our local editor

git clone URL

URL is terminated by .git in code section of repository

3.Creating separate branch for cloned repo

git branch Goutham Goutham here is branch name and we need to switch to Goutham branch by git checkout Goutham

4.Committing changes

git add . and git commit -m "message"

5. Pushing changes

I observed many times by git push this command directly pushes to others repo and they review our code.
If we want to make Pull Request Here what we have to do

1.git remote add Goutham2 URL Here URL is link for our forked repo and Goutham2 is the name given to URL

  1. git push Goutham2 Goutham Here we are pushing Goutham branch to Forked repo

3.We need to make necessary PR

For different Pull requests we require different branches it would be difficult for the reviewer.

Basic Commands

1 . git branch

Used to create different branches by git branch Name, Name is branch name

2. git log

Used to display different commit histories like this


and IDs are associated with commits

3. git reset

Most useful git command , through this command though we have committed many times we can make our

project how it was before by git reset ID , now our project looks like how it was at this commit.

4. git stash

When we did git reset by using git stash only we observe changes as our project is now in unstaged area by this we can bring back to staged area this can also be used when we unknowingly deleted some files .

Problems I faced while using git

1 . When we want to push changes to our existing project Error would be


Here we need to force push this by git push -f origin main

  1. Different Commit Histories


I don't know why this occured but I know when this error occurs

when we want to push our remote branch to our repo by git push Goutham2 Goutham

Here we are pushing Goutham branch of our project to Goutham2 repo and if we want to merge Goutham with main/master we see this error

I don't understand this error , but I am mentioning If you know please explain I've been struggling with this error

These are the git commands I learned recently So please mention if I missed any most important commands.

If you found anything wrong with my blog please let me know

Thanks for reading ...