


3 min read

Hello every one Iam Goutham in this blog I would like to share my first simple AWS project . I have used Amplify,Appsync,S3,dynamoDB.Here I want to explain in breif about the services I have used and in the next blog I will explain about how did I combined and implementation details.


Simple React CRUD App in which admin can create ,delete students and update attendance and students can read attendance .Simple right to do this I have used basic aws services.


Dynamo DB is a NOSQL data base a fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run high-performance applications at any scale. For this app I haven't used any server as DynamoDB is serverless and I don't need to manage servers.


App sync is a managed GraphQl service which does the same job as API gate way but API gate way is for RESTAPI, APPsync is for GraphQLwhich allows your applications to access exactly the data they need.AppSync allows developers to build GraphQL APIs without much of the usual work.


Simple Storage Service which is used to store any type of data like ppts,pdfs,images,videos etc.We can even host static web apps on S3.


AWS Amplify is a complete solution that lets frontend web and mobile developers easily build, ship, and host full-stack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to leverage the breadth of AWS services as use cases evolve. No cloud expertise needed. Create an app backend. Build a frontend UI.

Amplify is used to create complete backend and we can focus much on frontend.It depends on us how do we connect our frontend to back end I mean via API gateway or through GraphQl.

Requirements and Services

I will just explain over view of app in next blog I will explain how app works in step by step .

I want to create a simple college CRUD app in react using AWS services this is my AIM.

  1. I need data base to store what admin want to .I have chosen DynamoDB for that as it is serverless.

  2. I need to connect my React app to AWS services for that I have chosen App sync a managed GraphQl service.

  3. I need a store Photos of students whom admin registers for that I have chosen S3.

  4. I have used Amplify which makes my work much lesser and I dont need to even connect to all those services , through amplify using different API's I can connect my app to all those services.

  5. I also need authentication for admin ,students for that I have used Cognito , Amplify provides with this as well.

At last I want to tell that using Amplify I have used all those services, it abstracts how they are created

Simple right this is my first project on AWS and though of writing a blog on it I faced many problems while building this simple app being newbie to AWS.

If you find anything wrong please comment.Thanks for reading my blog ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
